Monday 9 January 2012

Technology is not my favourite thing!

I have finally found out how this blooming blog spot works! (I think). I needed my teenage daughter to figure it out for me!  Although her exact words were "Mum, I don't want to be offensive but, who cares!" She may have a good point.  Still, I'm just pleased I've managed to master the technology. (well maybe master is a bit strong a word). I've managed to attempt the technology!

I do have a question: Is blogging and social networking in general not just a very good way of procrastinating about actually DOING something?
For example: Sorry I can't do the ironing, I'm blogging.
or     I won't go out on this cold windy night knocking on people's doors to plead with them for a vote.
        I'll just stay in a blog, twitter and whatever it is that facebookers do, inter-face, I s'pose!

Having said all that I have spent a lovely afternoon completely ignoring the myriad of household chores, Clermiston and Drumbrae Gala stuff and newspaper deliveries that I should be doing!
Social networking is socialising but without the tea and biscuits!

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